The AMC2 (Access Modular Controller) is used as an access controller in the access control systems:
BISACE (Access Engine) from version 2.0 onward
AMS (Access Management System)
APE (Access Professional Edition).
The device controls a group of one to eight access points. These access points, also known as entrances, can be:
turn stiles
revolving doors
ID card, PIN and biometric readers
door opening elements
The AMC2 can control a maximum of eight ID readers (depending on the reader type) and fully processes the access logic at the assigned entrances.
The analog inputs have a status recognition of the connected lines.
The relay outputs activate the door opening elements and/or generate the security activation and signaling.
The AMC2 stores all necessary information in a battery-buffered memory and a compact flash storage element. Thus, even when the unit is offline, it checks independent authorization on access points, takes access decisions, controls closing/opening elements and registers movement events.